Yes means no

What do you think? A man had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ The boy answered, ‘I will not.’ But later he had a change of heart and went. The father went to the other son and said the same thing. This boy answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but did not go. Which of the two did his father’s will?…” Matthew 21:28-31 [Read more…]

Happy Fasika!

Tracy with some students from the Comboni high school.

I know that most of the world celebrated Easter in early April, but here in Ethiopia we just celebrated Fasika, or Easter, on May 5. Holy week was very busy here – everyone in the Orthodox and Catholic churches attends all of the services from Thursday through the Easter Vigil. For the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians their Easter Vigil lasted until about 3 a.m. and then people were allowed to break the strict fast they had been on for 50 days. For the previous 7 weeks all goats, chickens and cows had been safe, but there was a huge slaughter for Easter Sunday and massive amounts of meat were served and consumed. [Read more…]

Return to mission

During our preparation time back in Chicago in 2009, a wise missionary, the dear Sr. Madge, told us that Mission is “to help others to see the seeds of God in their lives, how God is already acting within them.” As Maggie and I begin this part two of our missionary service, I have been reflecting much in these first days back in Ethiopia on my need to reflect – especially on why I am here, what I am doing each day, and what is mission. [Read more…]

A bed is a bed if it is a bed to you

I had a beautiful and powerful time in Dadim last fall when I stayed and worked for two months on the emergency feeding program during the drought. Upon returning back to Awassa ‘city’ I was very happy to be re-united with Mark and to be back at Bushulo clinic with my patients and co-workers, but in some ways it was a difficult adjustment as a part of me longed for the people of Dadim. There is something magical about the pastoralists, their lifestyle and the rugged terrain of their lands that really draws one in.

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Our family grows by 1

We are so happy to share with you that last week we became the mommy and daddy of baby Emebet!  She is a 7 month old girl with intense eyes and a beautiful set of dimples from Northern Ethiopia. She is absolutely wonderful!

After finishing our adoption application some months ago, to our great joy we met little Emebet for the first time on April 30th (the feast day of Our Lady of Africa). The name Emebet, pronounced Emma-bet in Amharic language means “special lady” or “honoured woman”, a name they often use for Mary the Mother of Jesus.  We have decided to keep it for our special little lady.

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Mourning and healing

The traditions of mourning the death of a loved one are some of the most different to us coming from a western culture.  Funerals are significant occasions in Ethiopia that involve the entire community. A white tent pitched alongside a house or the street is a sure sign of a family in mourning. When a person dies, mourners gather at the deceased’s home to comfort the family. The mourning tent will remain up for more than a week and during that time the family is never alone. Friends and relatives (and distant relatives and acquaintances) will come by each day to speak and offer their condolences but mostly to sit in silence with the family.  A typical funeral may be attended by thousands of people.

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Filled with small graces

My first Christmas in Ethiopia has been filled with small graces. In truth, I had been feeling melancholy for most of the month of December. Christmas in Ethiopia is celebrated on January 7 not December 25. But more significant to me is that Christmas is considered a minor feast in Ethiopia. There are no special traditions, decorations or even special hymns for Christmas. So I had really been praying to just get through December.

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